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On Demand Webinar

The Hidden Power of No-Shows in Sales

Original Air Date: January 13, 2022

Sales is a high-pressure game, and one of the places we put the most pressure is on meeting show rates. We instruct our reps to qualify thoroughly and to send reminders vigorously to maximize show rates and avoid wasting time preparing for meetings with and waiting for prospects who don’t show up. In this webinar, you will hear data that shows the secret power of embracing, and even deliberately manufacturing, no-shows.

You will learn:

  • The critical difference between gross and net show rates – and why they matter
  • How to drive more scheduled meetings by systematically incorporating rescheduling into your sales process
  • How to get and hold rescheduling conversations that yield 3x more opportunities with qualified prospects.
Gerhard Gschwandtner, Founder and CEO, Selling Power
Chris Beall, CEO, ConnectAndSell
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