A product or sales demo offers reps an opportunity to demonstrate the value of their product or service to prospects and customers. It may be the only time the rep has total control of the sales call. It’s certainly one of the most critical pieces in the B2B sales process.
A great demo lets potential customers understand how a solution solves a pain point. It’s really central to any sales process. A poorly executed demo can squander a deal, but a great demo done right can wow the prospect and accelerate your deal toward the finish line.
What turns standard demos into amazing sales experiences? Great demos are controlled, tailored to the prospect, flawlessly delivered, and continually improved based on data. Easier said than done? Here are five tips for creating great demos and turning them into exceptional sales experiences.
According to Gartner, over 50% of buyers consider the sales demo the most important part of the buying cycle. Don’t use it as a carrot to lead them through a Tough Mudder obstacle course. Do your research, reflect the customer needs in the demo quickly, and see if the prospect agrees. While great demos can win deals, bad demos could kill them.
Jonathan Friedman is CEO and co-founder of Demostack.
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