The Best Tips for Successful Sales Emails

By Alexander Slichnyi

Do you struggle to write sales emails – or have doubts about the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns?

Research tells us many business professionals still routinely use email, which means email marketing is here to stay for the foreseeable future. Even in a highly digital world, sales emails and email marketing campaigns can be successful ways to spark and nurture relationships with prospects.

Email success requires more than simply sending shotgun emails, sitting back, and letting the money pour in, however. The truth is, email efforts take much more work to yield consistently positive results.

Here are a few pointers about how to make your sales emails and email marketing campaigns worthwhile.

Hook Them with a Great Subject Line
More than 280 billion emails were sent every day in 2018, which makes it understandably difficult to stand out.

One good way of doing this is hooking in your prospect with an eye-catching subject line. According to HubSpot, the best email subject lines are creative, compelling, and catchy – without giving away too much information. Think from the perspective of your prospect: What does he or she care most about in terms of professional or business success? Try using an immediate call to action or an eyebrow-raising statement or fact. (You can also check out HubSpot’s list of 34 Sales Email Subject Lines.)

Don’t Jump the Gun with the Sales Pitch
In any email, save your pitch for the end. Buyers rarely want to hear about products and services right off the bat.

Instead, offer the customers value first: informative content, helpful tidbits, interesting stories – all of these work well, as long as they’re related to what you’re selling. Only at the end of your email should you include your call to action.

Use Multimedia
Once you’ve decided on what you want to send your customers, give some thought to your content. Your email needs to be so engaging that the recipient will be moved to action.

Try including photos, videos, and audio files in your sales emails. We process visual information much faster than written information. An interactive message with visuals and a simple layout can sometimes do a much better job of holding someone’s attention.

Make Your Email Mobile Friendly
Just as importantly, your emails need to be just as legible and compatible with mobile phones as they are on computers. Many emails are opened on mobile phones, so skipping this cuts you off from a tremendous chunk of potential customers.

Consider using mobile-ready templates, shorter subject lines, larger buttons, and simply making the overall email more compact so the reader can see it in its entirety with no trouble.

Use Segmentation
When it comes to marketing emails, segmentation can shave off valuable time. Segmentation refers to grouping your email lists into various subsectors, like dividing them into groups interested in updates or sales or other preferences, which can be cross-referenced.

This improves client communication a great deal by planning out exactly to whom to send what, in addition to making an email list that’s much more organized.

It may appear old-fashioned at first glance, but a lot of prospects and customers are accessible via email. Follow these tips and you can leverage email to boost your business.

Alexander Slichnyi is community manager at 99Firms.